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How are you spending this lockdown period?
Recovering from a knee reconstruction surgery. In a way I was already immobilized from a week before lockdown hit us.

What is the one vehicle you wish you were quarantined with?
A Scalextric set with some race cars!

What is the first thing you intend to do once this situation passes?
Hopefully step down and crank my motorcycle, even though I can’t ride just yet.

What is the most important thing you’ve realised thanks to this lockdown?
There only so many films you can watch and services you can subscribe to before it all feels redundant.

Where do you see the automotive industry going after the lockdown?
Shifting into top gear. They are going to sell more vehicles than they ever thought possible.

Do you expect the government to help? If yes, how?

How has your company adapted to this situation?
When I figure it out I will tell you. LOL. But seriously there isn’t a playbook for this, so we are simply managing affairs on a day to day basis.

With the lockdown, has your workload reduced, gone up or remained the same?
Reduced. Significantly. Without access not much to do.

Even after the lockdown is over, would you prefer to work from home?
I’d prefer to work from anywhere but my office or home for that matter. If there is one thing I’ve realized its that work can be done from anywhere.